The Power of the Journey


I found myself stuck in the strangest type of rut the past month or so… Usually, I am able to keep my spirits up, or somehow snap out of it – but this time, was annoyingly different.  Even though I didn’t show it, I was still suffering.  I’m choosing to share this in the hopes that maybe something I say might be able to help someone through an obstacle they’re having trouble overcoming at this particular point in their life.

What was bothering me?  Why wasn’t my happiness stronger than my negativity?  And most importantly, why on earth could I not kick myself in the butt to revive my positive thoughts?

I’m no doctor, but I’m pretty sure that this all had to do with a crossroads that I’m currently at in my life.


To deal with this odd phase, I found surrounding myself with only the most positive people and things to be the most rewarding.  I threw myself into the gym as often as my body could withstand.  My friends entertained deep conversations with me about everything from my new business venture, to the opposite sex, and everything in between.  I even took a weeklong vacation to New York.  Being able to see my family & friends in a different state seemed to really help.  It sort of put everything into perspective for me.

You see, there will ALWAYS be times in our lives where we become completely overwhelmed.  The emotions become so overbearing that we are forced to react.  And when we make decisions on an impulse, they might not always lead us to where we had hoped they would.  I’ve come to learn that there are two types of people in this world.  Ones who will think of every possible outcome, consequence, etc., and wait until they feel completely comfortable before making a final decision – and ones who tend to just go with their gut instinct, with no real heavy thought process.  Spontaneity is a great thing – however, in times of life decisions, I have learned that is is better to sit back and think before you act.  When you stand back from a situation, you actually let yourself have the perfect view.  Let yourself feel every emotion that is being thrown at you.  Don’t hide from it.  Use these feelings to drive yourself through whatever it is you’re needing to get through.


One of the main things that I’ve learned in this last month is that everyone…and i mean EVERYONE, is struggling with something.  And while we each have our own individual problems/issues to deal with – sometimes helping another in need is what will actually put us on the right track towards reaching our very own peace of mind.  It’s selfishness in the most divine way.  I am now able to sit back and realize that although my problems may sometimes seem/feel overwhelming, there are many others that are suffering in their own journey – I am not alone.  My problems are not more important than someone else’s, and vice versa.  We are each fighting our own battle to live in harmony and find what/who ultimately makes us truly happy.  At the end of the day, we can either focus on what’s tearing us apart – or what’s holding us together.


We all know the quote “It is not the destination, but the journey” – well, I am now out of my rut, and back on my quest to instill positivity everywhere I can 🙂  There is something in each and every one of us where we can draw the power to succeed from – in anything we want in life.  The power to overcome any obstacle that presents itself.  The power to see past the roadblocks.  The power to change your negativity into positivity and live your life the way you’ve always imagined.


I used to have a hard time accepting that everything happens for a reason.  What is the reasoning behind everything happening?  I couldn’t understand.  But I realize now that it goes much deeper.  It’s not about the reasoning… It’s the simple truth that no matter what is supposed to happen, WILL happen – whether you want it to or not.  What is meant to be, will be.  Somehow, everything always falls into place.  We are always pushed to where we need to be.  Worrying does nothing for us except give us unwanted stress (& wrinkles!).


The most amazing theory to realize, is that we do not know where we are going…but we are indeed headed somewhere.  We have no idea what tomorrow may bring.  Life is full of hardships as well as amazing moments.  We will be given different tests every day – and must take what we learn and apply it to keep moving forward.  Don’t look back because that means you regret.  Don’t look to the future because that means you are neglecting your present.  Take your time.

E v e r y t h i n g w i l l f a l l i n t o p l a c e.

Your journey awaits…


Live With Strength ❤

XOXO Karen

3 thoughts on “The Power of the Journey

  1. Great post you are truly inspiring and you are full of Determination !!!
    Smile at your weakness, knowing you have already won half the battle
    . xoxo Janet

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