Ambitious Soul DIY time!

Switching gears here!

Time to write about something that’s near to my heart in a very different way; a newfound passion.

You guessed it!  It’s DIY (“Do-it-yourself” for the shorthand-inclined haha).  Over the past few months, I’ve really learned a LOT when it comes to taking pieces of furniture that nobody else sees beauty in, and restoring them to their former glory – or what I’d like to think…even better than they ever were 😉

So this post is dedicated to my most recent finished piece – an end table that has been in my friend’s family for many, many years.  Sturdy lil’ fella, but really needed an update!  My friend has seen some of my ‘before & afters’ of different items I’ve restored, and loved them – so she contacted me.  The rest is history 🙂

Before I get into the DIY part of this blog, please know that I am in no way claiming that this is the right way, the only way, or the way it should be done.  This is simply a way that it CAN be done, and the current way I do things.  I’m sure there are a million easier/better ways to achieve the result I have, but again…I do this as it is a passion of mine – and I don’t mind the time it takes me to complete.  And for those who are curious about said time….it took me about 15 hours to complete – including the huge slight mishap I had – which I’ll touch on later… 😉

So.  Without further ado. Put your chemical grade gloves on. Here is what I started with. (Glass top insert not shown in the before photos)

Before 1 Before 2

Step 1. Get that old hideous varnish OFF.  Now here is where my mishap happened.  My Dad (who I accredit any and all knowledge of my handiwork to… #shamelessfamilyloveplug ) told me he had a bucket of stain/paint stripper in the garage.  However, I failed to ask him when he actually purchased it.  Most important lesson I’ve learned from this project….NEVER use a product that has exceeded it’s shelf life, especially if it’s close to a decade old. Ugh. 😉

I’m not one to take things slow when it comes to work around the house.  I’m all in, every time. Go big or go home.  Usually this is a fantastic mindset for finishing my projects in an extremely timely manner.  Unfortunately, this means I don’t normally “test an area before applying in entirety”, as directed. Double ugh. After scraping, melting, polishing, buffing, saturating and pleading with the old chemical to remove it….I went to Home Depot and purchased a new product.  One that wasn’t 7 years old.  In fact, I think he was just born. 😉

Behold!  CitriStrip.  My new go-to for DIY pieces that require paint, stain or any other varnish you can think of – to come off.  For this project, I purchased the spray can that I had read about in other blogs.  It honestly completely exceeded my expectations for the job, and I’m now a client for life.  Except moving forward, I will be using the CitriStrip that you apply with a brush, as I felt the spraying aspect left me with a lot of waste and overspray. Live and learn people! That’s what I do!


The directions indicate that you should leave the stripping gel on for 60 minutes to 5 hours, depending on how thick the current varnish is.  I was actually able to start stripping this particular piece after just 10 MINUTES!  Patience is not a virtue of mine 😉  Luckily, all of the old varnish came off so easily with just the help of a 2″ putty knife engineered for stripping (again, Home Depot for the win – a whopping $4), and both a medium and small sized wire scraping brushes.  Now, keep in mind, your putty knives will clean up after the project, but your wire brushes will not (see image below).  But those bad boys keep on kickin’ project after project!

Wire brushes

While you are *gently* scraping the old varnish off, make sure you have a container of some sort to put the disgusting globs of goo that will be coming off.  I used a small box, and ended up throwing all of my other waste in there at the end of the project, wrapping everything up in a plastic bag, then dumping it into the garbage bin.

Globby Goo

So after you get your piece stripped of it’s previous color, you’re left with a blank slate.

Blank slate

Step 2.  SAND. This is important, as it will help remedy any imperfections that were previously in the wood.  If you have gouges or massive holes in the wood – make sure you use a wood filler to correct those BEFORE sanding (and wait until dry to proceed to Step 2!).  I used a 120 grit piece of sandpaper that i wrapped around my fingers which enabled me to get into the grooves.  I was skeptical about using my sander on this piece as it had so many different lines to it, that I felt the sander would be too strong and round them out.  When in doubt, sand it by hand.

Step 3. Put those gloves back on, because this is where it gets a bit sticky (literally). Get a tack cloth and wipe your piece down furiously.  Leave no speck of sawdust unturned.  You want ALL of those tiny microscopic blades of wood off of your project, otherwise they will forever be a part of your furniture in the later steps, giving you a rough, bumpy finish.  So invest in a package of tack cloths (basically just cheese cloths made of bees wax) and wipe down your piece.  I did mine twice.

Step 4. The fun part! You can now add your own finish of choice.  I went with a dark stain (Rustoleum Kona) and applied it with a foam brush.  I only stained the top area in which the glass sits, and made sure to cover the bottom section in case of any drips.  You can really use anything to cover what you need to protect – here I stole one of my Dad’s 5,436 many furniture pads.

Kona stainStain

I went ahead and let that dry a few hours before applying a white paint.  Any paint will do, as long as you’ve completed steps 1 & 2!  It adheres just fine, even without using a primer.  I applied one coat of paint (normally I would do two coats, but I was going for a bit of a distressed look) with a regular bristle brush.

Mid paintWhite paint

I let it dry overnight, and picked back up the next morning with….

Step 5 (optional): I had a small can of glaze that was leftover from a cabinet transformation that I did, so I just used that.  However, cans of glaze are available for purchase, sans cabinet transformation kit 😉  I believe they come in quarts and gallons, and are around the same price as a can of paint.


Glaze is a special kind of beast.  You literally have a 5 to 10 minute window to karate kid wipe on wipe off get the exact look you’re going for.  If you wait too long, the overall look might appear darker than what you originally intended on. To apply, I used  a foam brush and made sure I covered all parts of whatever section I was working on.  I started with the legs (individually) and then worked my way from the top down.  Start with smaller sections so that you don’t stress over your time constraints.  As soon as you put the glaze on, you can take it off.  Again, the window is small (please read the package directions for exact instructions), so make sure you work quickly on this step.  To wipe off, I simply used cheesecloth. I prefer thicker sheets, but any will suffice.  And make sure you have those gloves on!  Glaze is way easier to remove from your skin than stain is, but it will give you a run for your scrub brush money!

cheese cloths

The reason I opted to use the glaze for this project was because I didn’t want such a stark contrast between the top and bottom of the end table.  I wanted a more county western chic look.  You can see below in the “during” image that the glaze makes the white paint look “broken in” – the exact look I was going for 🙂

broken in

After I finished all the glazing, the end table looked amazing…

post glazepost glaze 2

Step 6 is the final step in this DIY!  I applied a thin coat of polyurethane using a foam brush. I didn’t want it to look ultra glossy, so I went with a satin finish to give it a layer of protection and nice subtle sheen.  I used Rustoleum brand polyurethane.

Here is the finished product in it’s permanent home (with the glass top!)-

finished 1finished 2

finished 3finished 4

My friend absolutely adores her end table’s new look, and I’m pretty proud of it as well 🙂  Don’t be afraid to try something new! Go outside and experiment.  Learn.  Create things!  Just use Pinterest, blogs, your mom’s antique furniture, your imagination and anything is possible!

Before 1finished 2

Live with strength ❤

XO Karen


Addictiveness. It’s not just a word to describe the abuse of drugs. It’s meaning is far more complex than that. The informal definition of an addict is an enthusiastic devotee of a specified thing or activity. A person can not only become addicted to something tangible; addiction can also consist of a feeling, or emotion. A few of my other blogs touched on the subject of changing your thoughts in order to change your world. But what happens when someone is stuck in a habit of consistent behavior? What if someone is addicted to something as awful as negativity? And worse, what if their behavior is starting to affect the people around them?

Some people with addiction refuse to believe they have an ongoing issue. They refuse to believe that their issues affect them. They refuse to believe that their issues affect others. They refuse to believe anything that makes them feel as if their actions are a problem – if they’re not willing to face reality. The light comes on, when someone facing addiction recognizes the problem within themselves. When they become aware that their actions are ruining them mentally and physically on every level. When they become aware that their actions are ruining their families, loved ones and friends mentally and physically on every level. The best case scenario, they do everything in their power to change and become better. They know and understand they have the love and support of everyone around them as they embark on the journey that will change their lives in the most positive way. The first step is to take charge of your life. Those bad thoughts may be knocking on your door, but that never means you have to let them in.


Take negativity for example. When you wake up every single day and focus on everything you feel is wrong with your life, your day is going to unfold with those exact thoughts. You will build a consistent pattern of just going through the motions, while riding the most ridiculous roller-coaster of your life. And whoever is “lucky” enough to join you on your carnival ride, if they’re not able to be strong enough to defend themselves day in and day out of every moment spent with you, will be forced to take all the climbs and the free-falls alongside you.

Negativity is a thief. It will steal your happiness. It’s a form of depression. It perpetuates itself. It is the breeding ground for dissatisfaction and it completely clutters the mind. And when your mind is cluttered with negativity, happiness is basically impossible to come by. You have to overcome the negativity – not dwell on it. When you give into the power of bad thoughts, those feelings will only become stronger. You have to refocus your power. You have to start promoting what you love – instead of bashing what you hate. If something bothers you – don’t let it fester inside. Speak. But do it gracefully. Talking about the issues at hand, works wonders when you’re prone to descending into negativity. You can’t ever forget how blessed you are. Focus on all that you have to be positive about – even when you feel there is nothing – I promise you there is. Don’t cause pain to yourself – don’t treat your thoughts as facts unless there is actual evidence to back them up. You have to dig deep and find that toughness within. Challenge negativity constantly. Don’t allow the negative thoughts in your life spoil all of the good that you have. Choose to be happy. Wake up every day and write down five things that you are beyond grateful for. Keep those lists. Pull them out when you feel the strings of your thoughts being tampered with. The negativity of the world can’t put you down unless you allow it to get inside you…


When you start to change, the people around you will too. Not only will you notice the positive change within you – but the people that you are on the same frequency with, will stop drowning in their efforts to help you. Everyone always says “don’t do it for them, do it for yourself” – but I’m a firm believer that you need to do this in order to help everyone. Maybe there is someone else in your circle of trust that needs to learn by example. Maybe they wake up everyday fighting their own battles and could use someone else to contribute to their life-saving tools to help keep them afloat, even if just for a minute. Think about not only changing your life – but changing the lives of the people around you.


“The soul does not absorb negativity by accident, always by choice.”

Remember this quote…negativity can only feed on negativity. You can’t litter those bad emotions everywhere and then wonder why your life is coming up full of trash. Distance yourself from it, and great things will happen. If you have someone who is filled with negativity in your life, make sure you remember negativity is energy without love. Give love to these people. Turn their thoughts into positive ones. Give love to yourself. Your inner peace must remain in tact, otherwise your efforts will be detrimental to your own health. And then you’ll be of no help to anyone. You see, everything in life is a balance. If you want to help others, you must learn to read them. To know what makes them tick. What makes them happy. What makes them upset. And how to handle them in each and every one of those situations. The balance comes in knowing when enough is enough. You should always protect yourself, while you’re attempting to protect another. If you feel yourself starting to succumb to feelings of hate, recognize that you’re becoming weak. Hate is an emotion of failure. Be wise about your choices. Know that doubt from time to time is okay – take a deep breath. It’s just a bad moment. It’s just a bad day. It is NOT a bad life. Protect yourself and your soul from contamination – don’t ever let an addiction rule your judgement. Greatness does not come without training – learn to love yourself and what you express. Help others do the same. Some people say you need to develop a thicker skin to deal with people with addiction. I’m pretty sure it makes more sense to develop a stronger heart instead. Rise above the storm. The person who sends out positive thoughts activates the world and the people around him in a positive way. And the reward is that he is able to draw back to himself, positive results.

Rehab yourself.  Rehab your world.  Break your addiction.  Process your world without stress.  Amazing things will begin to happen when you take control of your life, and rise above the doubts you placed within yourself.

Live With Strength ❤


The Inside of a Sponge

The vein is cut; we’ve got ourselves a bleeder…

I tend to write about experiences I’ve had in my life, and always try to shed some light on each unique one in a different way than society – in hopes that somebody, somewhere, that might be going through what I’ve been through, will see that there’s more than one way to heal themselves.

This post might raise some eyebrows, seeing as I’m currently single.  Who am I to preach about relationships when I’m not even in one?  Truth be told, the stuff I’m going to touch on here is not rocket science.  It’s common sense – and any wise man would recognize that.

Does anyone know the word that the following definition is for?

“a person who lacks the courage to do or endure things that they themselves deem dangerous or unpleasant”


This is never a good thing to be in a relationship.  One should never have to hide their true feelings on any aspect or issue that arises when you are attempting to build a life together just because you find a topic “unpleasant”.  You should always speak the truth – even if your voice shakes.  Your platform is not what you say, but how you listen and respond.  If you’re important to your partner, they will find a way.  And with every positive way of thinking in life, there’s a negative to go alongside it.  If you’re not important, they’ll find an excuse. Everyone wants to feel as if they’re on top of the mountain.  But without communication, there can be no growth. Without growth, there is no relationship.  A relationship with no growth diminishes mutual respect.  Without respect, there is no love.  And without love, there is no reason to continue.  Happiness will only occur on that mountain while you’re climbing it.  Reaching the summit simply means you’ve stopped trying.


When you go through so many hardships and struggles within one relationship, and they keep on coming, you need to have pity on yourself and realize that every person has a saturation point.  A point where you need to find the ‘good’ in ‘goodbye’.  A point where you recognize just how strong you are and understand that walking away does not make you weak, it proves you not only have the strength, but the courage to endure the pain that will follow.  Don’t ever feel sad over someone who gave up on you.  Feel sorry for them because they gave up on someone who would have never given up on them.  People think being alone is what makes you lonely but in reality it’s being with the wrong person that causes that effect.  Someone who doesn’t see your true worth – or does, but takes it for granted.  When you fully trust a person without any doubt, you will finally get one of these two results.  A person for life, or, a lesson for life.


You need to “respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.”  Never make someone a priority in your life when you’re just an option in theirs.  Always stay committed to who you are, and hold your values up high.  Knowing what your wants and needs are in a relationship is not weakness.  Disregarding your partner’s wants and needs is not strength.  Let go of anyone who poisons your spirit, and realize that new levels will bring new obstacles.  Don’t ever go backwards in life unless you’re intending to go that way.  You need to always put your best foot forward and try with all your might.  Determination is everything – it’s a power that most of us forget we have.  It’ll be the force within you that reveals the plain fact that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life.  Old ways will not open up new doors.  When you seek respect – not attention – it’ll last longer.  Unless you can see and feel, in realtime, that someone has changed, don’t be fooled.  A wolf in sheep’s clothing is still, in fact, a wolf.  Meaning,  just because their clothes have changed, doesn’t mean that they have.  Faces will get old, bodies will change, but a good person will always be a good person.


When you get pushed to your limit within a rocky relationship, you begin to enter a stage of apathy.  Your mind, body and soul – the very things that used to long for your other half, become impassive.  They feel less concerned.  They begin to suppress emotion.  Feeling.  Passion.  This comes from your innermost desire to preserve whatever shred of love you have left that hasn’t been sucked dry.  And you start to come to certain realizations.  Like how sometimes the only reason we hold on to the people that hurt us is because they once made us happy.  Most relationships tend to fail.  Not because of the absence of love.  Love is always present.  It’s just that one was being loved too much, and the other wasn’t being loved enough.  Another way to look at this is, two people can love each other with such an undying passion…but it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re right for one another.  Strength shows not only in the ability to persist, but the ability to start over.  And when a relationship ends, it doesn’t always mean those two people stop loving each other.  But it does mean that they finally stopped hurting each other.
moving-on-quotes1Live With Strength ❤

XOXO Karen

Tiptoeing through the hallows of fear

Take a minute before reading this. I need you to find your happy place. Let yourself imagine every single aspect of your place. The smells, the sights, the emotions, the fulfillment you feel when you’re there. This is where you find yourself when you need a break from reality; a quick and effective escape. Maybe you’ve actually been to this place in real life? Maybe it’s just a fantasy world that you’ve dreamt up in your mind. Either way, this is your very own zone of comfortability. It’s safe. No harm. No danger. No stress. Simply put: perfect.

So what happens when we’re forced to come out of our happy place?
We grow. And grow. And then grow some more.

When we exit our idea of perfection, and enter the realm of the unknown, we naturally do anything in our power to get our physical and mental beings back to where we feel at ease. This is because we are afraid. Scared of the unknown. We went from being fearless, to fearful.


Most people are not comfortable tiptoeing through uncharted territory. But entering the hallows of your biggest fears is truly the only way to grow within ones self. It’s where we gain newfound strength. The beautiful thing about setbacks is that they introduce us to our untapped power of self-healing. Pain demands to be felt; bottom line. It’s how we push through our own shark infested waters, bleeding and all, that we really learn what we’re made of. We have to learn to trust our individual journeys even when we don’t quite understand them. We need to speak of nothing but happiness despite the million things that are trying to hurt us. We need to love what we can’t comprehend. We are the designers of our own “calm”. We are all given the beautiful gift of life. And we are the ones solely responsible for making that life a good or bad one. If it’s cut short, rest in peace knowing you exercised nothing but kindness. You never underestimated the power of your touch, your smile, your words, your listening ear, your honest compliments, or the smallest acts of caring you performed all of which might’ve turned another’s life around. And if you get the chance to lead a longer life, you can rest easy knowing that you didn’t take your time here for granted. You realized that not everyone shared the same vision as you and you still gave it all you had and then some. After all of your hurts, your scars, your trials…you made it through..and you were able to look in the mirror and make yourself smile.

Very little is needed to have a happy life. So, stop tiptoeing and open the doors to the unknown. That’s where your life will truly begin. It’s just you, the world…and the sunrise that lights the way through even your darkest hallows.

Live with strength ❤

XO Karen

The largest shovel..

get-attachment.aspxThat awful feeling. Your chest feels like it’s trying to keep together the millions of pieces your heart broke into. You feel yourself slipping and losing your strength. The regret comes seeping in. The memories flow freely and utterly against your will. The daydreams are overbearing. You gaze out the car window wondering how you ended up here at this point in your life. Everything reminds you of them. You keep going back to that letter you wanted to finish but never got around to it. That phonecall you wanted to make but figured there would always be time to do so. The tears stream down your face when you hear that song. You’re surrounded by your family and friends but the pain doesn’t leave. Ever.

What am I talking about?

Death? Love?


The aftermath of losing someone to either, has extremely similar ongoing emotional battles.

You break down. You don’t feel like you can get through without them. You don’t feel like you can get through anything anymore. You lost someone you treasured beyond measure. Why bother?

Because you have to.


You owe it to yourself. You owe it to them. You need to keep on keeping on. Dig deeper than you’ve ever dug before. Is is a breakup that we’re talking about? Use this time to work on you. Make yourself the main focal point now. You need to learn to love yourself again. Forgive yourself for your mistakes & your shortcomings. Don’t become sad and feel sorry for yourself. You need to start feeling blessed because you even experienced that feeling of love. It doesn’t come around often…and when it does, it should never be taken for granted. But, people make mistakes. They become products of their environments. They become influenced by the wrong things. Relationships end. But that’s when the most important relationship begins. The one with yourself. It’s never too late to become the person you’ve always wanted to be. And who knows? You just might find yourself an even happier ending…


Or is it a death we’re dealing with…

Don’t you ever push the feelings of love you had, and still harbor for this person out of your heart. Cherish the memories. Chances are you will not ever get over the death of your loved one…but in time, you will figure out how to get through it. The focal point that needs attention is the one where you lead the life you want knowing that you have someone beyond special to you guiding your way. It’s okay to miss them. It’s okay to not get over the fact that they’re gone. You need to think about them. Play their favorite music. Go to the spots you enjoyed together. Look at photographs – When you’re ready. Do not ever feel the need to rush the healing process. Just don’t ever, ever, ever give up. Find your strength within so you can do them proud. Let them watch you become the amazing person you are and always know they have a front row seat to your life. Don’t regret the time missed…cherish the time spent. Keep in mind, you will see them again..


The hardships of life always end up teaching us the most important lessons. Grab the biggest shovel you can find and dig. Find your strength. It’s in there.

Favorite quote time: “Put your hand over your heart. You feel that? It’s called purpose.”


What you believe, you will become. Believe you are destined for amazing things and you will achieve just that. Use your hardships to drive you further than you ever thought you could go. Push your limits and keep those perfect memories close. Cherish yourself, don’t punish. And hey…maybe it’s time to finish that letter..

Live with strength ❤

XOXO Karen

Suggestive Strangers


Ahhh…Up in the plane. Where i do my best thinking. What better place could there possibly be than thousands of feet up in the sky? It’s almost as if flying is a temporary escape from reality. Cruising through the clouds in a big metal bird really opens up my thoughts… Makes me realize how amazing we truly are as a species…and really makes me appreciate the beauty in this world. Too many times, we become so burdened with the wrong thoughts…it’s these moments where I feel rejuvenated and my soul refreshed…I can relax and really zero in on certain lessons life is trying to currently bless me with…

Why is it that when somebody close to us tells us something over and over again – we deny it up and down, left and right. We fight it. Say hurtful words. We do everything in our power to make them see our side – to make them believe we are right and to have them drown in their own accusations. When all the while, if we would’ve just taken that one little step back, and been open to what they were pointing out was actually an effort to help us, and better us on our journey through life…we could’ve started our “change” that much sooner.

I dealt with this exact situation this past week. I denied a suggestion that has been presented to me over and over again because I felt it was being said to just simply ‘get under my skin’. I didn’t take the time to remove myself from the situation and put myself in the other person’s shoes – all they were doing was attempting to point out a way for me to become a better, more respected individual. And all I did was deny, defend and become irritated at them.

A complete stranger ended up telling me the same exact thing yesterday that had been suggested to me time and time again. And it wasn’t until I heard it from his mouth that I finally took that step back and realized what was being said all along. Why did I have to hear it from someone I barely even knew, in order to correct this ‘flaw’ in myself?


I think sometimes in life, it does take a total stranger to push us past the limitations we’ve placed on ourselves. The simplest reasoning for that? They’re completely unbiased. We all know that saying “we always treat the ones we love the most; the worst” – well, unfortunately there is a truth to that. Our family and our friends are the ones we ‘answer’ to on a daily basis..While we should take what they say to us to be out of love, it sometimes can become misconstrued. We might feel that they are trying to knock us down for whatever reason. But at least 9 times out of 10, I can assure you that is not the case. They’re our own flesh and blood – and our friends are our family that we’ve picked for ourselves…why would we keep them around if they wanted to hurt us? We wouldn’t. Trust in what they suggest. They only want to see you push yourself closer and closer to all that you desire. They won’t steer you wrong 🙂


So, from my current cruising altitude of 38,000 feet, as I feast on the Southwest airline peanuts – I want you to remember this. Set yourself free – be open to any and all suggestions. Listen to your family. Your friends. And even strangers. You never know what could be presented 🙂

Live with strength ❤

XOXO Karen

Widening the Limitations…

(Foreword: Please note that the photos used in this blog entry were taken during 
the "easy" parts of the trail - my friend had to be able to ride with only one
hand while the other was holding the camera!) :)

I was browsing through facebook two weeks ago, and came across one of my 
friend's photos from mountain biking here in Florida.  It was a simple picture - 
yet it captured my attention, and made me want to instantly become a 
professional MTB girl (see? I even know the lingo!).  But I figured I should get 
out there and try it first before I quit my day job ;)

This past weekend, I drove to Stuart, about 50 minutes south of me to embark on 
a trek in which I had no clue what I was doing.  I arrived at Halpatiokee Park 
and met up with my trained MTB friend who has a spare bike for me, as well as a 
helmet and gloves.  After a few minor adjustments to the height of my bike seat, 
he proceeded to give me some basic training.  All the while, I'm thinking - how 
hard could this be?  It's riding a bike on a trail!  Little did I know...  

521371_10151461854330660_629031955_nFast forward 20 minutes, and we're on our way on some random 2" wide dirt path 
with super thick grass surrounding it.  We cross through what looked like a gate 
one would use to keep the cattle in... and then follow an arrow directing us to 
the first trail we're about to proceed on.  My adrenaline kicks into gear, and 
gets my blood pumping.  I was pretty excited about this ride all week, and now I 
finally get to see what mountain biking is all about!  


A minute goes by, and I'm riding over roots that are protruding out of the 
ground...dodging trees as well as branches...maneuvering left and right, right 
and left, then left again, then right...all in what felt like a nanosecond. 

Within the first 10 minutes, my confidence was shaken to the point where all I 
could think of was 'what did I get myself into...'?! But my desire to give this 
a real chance pushed me to continue.  I had never experienced anything like 
this.  And while my mind was having a hard time overcoming the thoughts of 
quitting... my thirst for adventure and desire to accomplish whatever it is I 
set out to do, was overwhelmingly empowering.

During the first leg of our journey, I failed at a lot of the 'technical' 
elements within the trails.  Most of which were because I psyched myself out 
once I saw what was coming up...However, the ones I tried and wasn't able to do 
- I don't consider failures.  Failure to me is not letting yourself even try.  
It's so important to continue to try new things - if you don't, you end up 
limiting the growth of yourself.  If you don't try, you'll never know what 
you're truly capable of.  

When we got to the halfway point, I was physically and mentally exhausted.  But 
I was determined to keep going.  They say your mind will quit before your body 
does, and there is a definite truth within that.  I forced my thoughts to be 
positive and therefore was able to persuade my body to get back on the bike and 
continue to ride.  Your mind is an extremely powerful thing...however, you can 
have control over it.  Use it to help you succeed.  Remember: mind over matter.  

The second part of the 10.8 miles we completed, my friend told me I was doing 
amazing.  The simple fact that he continued to encourage me and cheer me on when 
I attempted all of what was in front of me, helped feed my self-confidence and 
kept me going.  Sometimes we need that extra push - that little extra boost of 
self-esteem to let us know we're doing a great job and to continue on the path 
we're traveling.  

I rode over the roots of trees that ranged from 1 inch to over a foot high.  I 
flew down dirt paths that had 15 foot drops in which I had to dodge trees and 
remember to sit back on my bike.  I pedaled as fast as I could to make it to the 
top of hills.  I got to see  some of the most beautiful landscapes I've ever 
seen.  I got bit by red ants.  I sweat.  I made sharp turns at a fast pace.  I 
switched gears probably around 100 times.  And of course I fell - but got back 
up on that bike, and pushed right on through. 


It really was an amazing ride, and I'm so glad I got to experience it.  When you 
choose to attempt something you have never done, and complete it - it strokes 
the ego in a natural, positive way.  When we try new things, whether we enjoy 
them or not - we are helping to broaden our very own spectrum of life.  We're 
expanding our horizons and widening our views of the limitations that we've 
placed on ourselves.  I've found that it's so important - vital, let 
yourself say 'yes' to new experiences.  You never know where it will lead 
you...or what it might bring to your life.  

You can do whatever you want
And, hey.  Practice makes perfect!  I'll be out there again...very soon ;)

Live With Strength <3

XOXO Karen      

Time for Dignity!


Now, that is the truth.  We do not always have to ‘fight’ every disagreement that comes our way.  It seems nowadays that people are too quick to judge and in turn, put themselves on the highest of all pedestals.  They don’t mind disregarding other’s feelings, spirits or intentions.  All they’re concerned with is being right.  And 9 times out of 10, they’re wrong.

The problem lies in the thinking process that makes us feel we need to argue our point until we finally get the answer we want to hear.  It becomes this ridiculous process in which the ‘real’ answer doesn’t even matter.  People’s spirits get crushed.  Their feelings get hurt.  And their intentions do a 180 & take a completely different path. Which leaves me wondering this…are these small battles really worth it?  At the expense of destroying someone’s peace?  What is better? Having peace? Or being right?


I’d like to think that there is a balance for this… it lies within the word ‘dignity’.  We need to have some when we’re discussing matters that are important to us.  We can’t throw words at someone and expect them to feel the same way.  When you respect someone’s thoughts, you will be amazed at the way the conversation will flow.  We have to realize what is important to us, and understand it might not be important to someone else.  That doesn’t make you right and them wrong – and vice versa.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and we need to accept that.  Often times, discussing the matter with kindness will get you to your ‘goal’ much quicker.  Remember this..

Every single day will present us with it’s own set of challenges and hardships to face.  Look them in the face with grace.  Overcome them with dignity.  Give yourself a reason to be on that self-made pedestal.  Choose your battles wisely – realize you don’t have to attend every single one… It’s not about winning or losing – it’s about that inner peace we all seek.  So, spread peace instead of vile words.  Lift someone up instead of kicking them while they’re down.  But most of all – show respect and be kind.  And watch your world change.


Live With Strength ❤

XOXO Karen

Bring it On, 2013 :)


December 31st.  Always a great time to reflect on the past 365 days that you’ve had!  All I can say is WOW.  What a year…

I’ve come to learn so many important realizations/ideas/theories/philosophies about life in 2012… This has truly been the most influential year of my life…


I’ve created life missions for myself…I’ve changed for the better…I’ve read books to help advance me in the direction I want to go…I’ve made money…I’ve dined in fantastic restaurants…I’ve dined in not so fantastic restaurants…I’ve had tough days…I’ve had lucky days…I’ve gotten songs stuck in my head…I’ve had completely non-typical days…I’ve had inspirational days…I’ve lost…I’ve discovered favorite accessories…I’ve traveled…I’ve led & I’ve followed…I’ve owed people money…I’ve worn things that are old…I’ve found peace…I’ve held grudges…I’ve let things go…I’ve looked forward to many things…I’ve sought security…I’ve sought adventure…I’ve needed a break…I started my own company…and then started another…I’ve figured out what makes ‘me’, me…I’ve needed more…I’ve fallen in love again with art…I’ve moved…I’ve watched TV…I’ve forgotten…I’ve figured out who I want to be…I’ve been sad…I’ve enjoyed the weather…I’ve obsessively listened to music…I’ve sought excitement…I’ve sought contentment…I’ve bought things…I’ve been in love…I’ve slept late…I’ve overcome obstacles…I’ve asked people questions…I’ve kissed people…I’ve gone to concerts…I’ve had crazy people in my life…I’ve overused words…I’ve had prevailing emotions…I’ve made embarrassing purchases…I’ve dreamt…I’ve realized I can’t part with certain items…I’ve been sick…I realized how I could’ve been better…I’ve slept alone…I’ve learned what’s bad to experiment with…I’ve ignored & been ignored…I’ve rented movies…I’ve wanted things but couldn’t have them…I’ve lived in numerous places…I realized what is true…I’ve decided what I don’t like talking about…I’ve tried new activities…I’ve become a bit spiritual…I’ve daydreamed…I’ve laughed…I’ve aspired to find greatness…I’ve felt like I was on top of the world…I stopped fooling myself…I’ve felt close to people…I’ve had fun…I’ve wished for things…I’ve been inspired…I’ve ordered take-out…I’ve worn super bright colors…I’ve found a secret passion…I’ve felt at home…I’ve ignored chores…I’ve felt like a sound effect…I’ve learned new facts…I’ve acquired new talents…I’ve interviewed people…I voted…I’ve addressed my short comings…I’ve solved problems…I’ve cursed…I’ve become proud of myself…I’ve wished I could stop certain things from happening…I’ve called people…I’ve given spare change to people who need it more than I do…I’ve made new friends…I’ve lost some friends…I’ve been messy…I’ve hesitated…I wished for superpowers…I’ve been neat…I’ve gone swimming…I’ve laughed until I’ve cried…I’ve been to parties…I’ve postponed things…I’ve explored…I’ve had people love me…I realized what makes a good enemy…I’ve had favorite days…I’ve conquered goals…I’ve gotten rid of things…I’ve been creative…I’ve done crazy things…I’ve had motivating conversations…I’ve changed my hair color…I’ve been nagged…I’ve found comfort…I’ve taken on responsibilities…I’ve remained healthy…I’ve trusted my instincts…I’ve missed people…I’ve eaten fruit…I’ve become close to people…I’ve felt grateful for others…I’ve been miserable…I’ve drank plenty of coffee…I’ve had things in my way – and moved them…I’ve been worried…I’ve exercised – a lot…I’ve discovered favorite gadgets…I’ve been cynical…I’ve enjoyed plenty of happy hours…I’ve eaten home cooked meals…I’ve received personal letters…I’ve wanted to know people better…I’ve seen movies in the theater…I’ve cried…I’ve recognized my biggest indulgence…I’ve eaten pizza…I’ve compared myself to a weather forecast…I’ve cancelled plans…I’ve been to the beach…I’ve discovered my motto…I’ve had sentimental days…I’ve kept secrets…I’ve learned what my achilles’ heel is…I’ve forgotten to put socks on…I’ve helped…I’ve thrown things away…I’ve been hurt…People have made me angry…I’ve baked, and cooked…I’ve worked hard, and I’ve hardly worked…I’ve taken road trips…I’ve had unusual days…I’ve taken cold showers…I’ve lied…I’ve flown on an airplane…I’ve destroyed things and emotions…I’ve texted…I’ve run from things…I’ve completed ‘To-Do’ lists…I’ve loved my body…I’ve been bothered…I’ve played on a team…I’ve had trouble forgetting…I’ve discovered I don’t need a back-up plan…I’ve found pleasure in the simplest of things…I’ve attended weddings…I’ve been a student, and a teacher…I’ve cleaned my room…I’ve watched videos online…I’ve worn new things…I’ve been jealous…I’ve thought of fear…I’ve found things that are utterly confounding…I’ve given advice…I’ve chased things…I’ve had minor problems…I’ve surrounded myself with people I want to associate myself with…I’ve studied…I’ve had snacks…I’ve made life altering decisions…I’ve been to new places…I’ve heard shocking news…I’ve danced…I’ve flown by the seat of my pants…I’ve been amused…I’ve planned…I’ve handled rejection…I’ve been hungry…I’ve gotten bad news…I’ve gotten out of a rut…I’ve been a geek about things…I’ve craved stuff…I’ve dealt with death…I’ve watched bad movies…I’ve learned what questions make me anxious…I’ve been happy with my choices…I’ve dreamt big…I’ve worked on patience…I’ve counted on people…I’ve learned new words…I’ve had missed calls…I’ve been completely honest…I’ve done goofy things…I’ve been to hotels…I’ve been able to tell when I’ve had enough…I’ve had huge expenses…I’ve held babies…I’ve designed websites…I’ve gone to bed late…I’ve become my own hero…I’ve been bored talking about certain topics…I’ve gone to bed super early…I’ve avoided things…I’ve vented…I’ve been obsessed…I’ve gotten things done that I had to get done…I’ve deleted people from my contacts…I’ve drank water…I’ve taken risks…I’ve remembered details from certain days…I’ve missed people…I’ve gained muscle…I’ve felt ambitious…I’ve been generous…I’ve been surprised…I’ve found joy…I’ve created wish lists…I’ve had regrets…I’ve been impressed…I’ve had things in excess, as well as moderation…I’ve found things and people irresistible…I’ve contemplated moving to a new city…I’ve met new people…I’ve eaten my favorite cereal…I’ve made transitions…I’ve been spontaneous…I’ve snuggled down…I’ve gone out and played…I’ve had cherished memories…


And the lessons I’ve come to learn are just as simple as that….No matter what we’ve been through – whether we put ourselves through it or not…at the end of the day, we are human.  You will always be you.  There is nothing that can stop you from rediscovering yourself.  We all need to embrace happiness, find our passion and love ourselves.  Inner peace is a beautiful thing.  We can’t wish for it – we must make it something that we are, something that we do…and something that we give away.  A bad day does not define us.  It is simply what it is – just a bad day.  It doesn’t mean that our entire life is bad.  A lot of the pain in life comes from having a life plan that you’ve fallen in love with.  But when it doesn’t work out, you become so angry that you have to alter your original plans and create a new one.  Most people don’t realize that this is a blessing in disguise…We need to remain open to any particular life plan because you never know…it may be an even better, happier one…Learning to accept, has been one of the hardest lessons I’ve dealt with.  But I get it now.  The past can never be forgotten, edited or erased.  It can only be accepted.  Whatever has happened throughout the past year(s), has made me thankful.  It has brought me to where I’m meant to be.  You cannot blame everyone else for your shortcomings…for if you do, you only create more suffering within yourself.  Accept everything the way that it’s thrown at you – and use it.  Use it in the most positive way you can to reflect back onto the world all that you are.  It’s impossible to live a positive life when you have negative thoughts…


Never, ever, lose your faith in life – tomorrow just might be all that you’ve been waiting for…

Happy New Year everyone 🙂

Live With Strength ❤

XOXO Karen

The Power of the Journey


I found myself stuck in the strangest type of rut the past month or so… Usually, I am able to keep my spirits up, or somehow snap out of it – but this time, was annoyingly different.  Even though I didn’t show it, I was still suffering.  I’m choosing to share this in the hopes that maybe something I say might be able to help someone through an obstacle they’re having trouble overcoming at this particular point in their life.

What was bothering me?  Why wasn’t my happiness stronger than my negativity?  And most importantly, why on earth could I not kick myself in the butt to revive my positive thoughts?

I’m no doctor, but I’m pretty sure that this all had to do with a crossroads that I’m currently at in my life.


To deal with this odd phase, I found surrounding myself with only the most positive people and things to be the most rewarding.  I threw myself into the gym as often as my body could withstand.  My friends entertained deep conversations with me about everything from my new business venture, to the opposite sex, and everything in between.  I even took a weeklong vacation to New York.  Being able to see my family & friends in a different state seemed to really help.  It sort of put everything into perspective for me.

You see, there will ALWAYS be times in our lives where we become completely overwhelmed.  The emotions become so overbearing that we are forced to react.  And when we make decisions on an impulse, they might not always lead us to where we had hoped they would.  I’ve come to learn that there are two types of people in this world.  Ones who will think of every possible outcome, consequence, etc., and wait until they feel completely comfortable before making a final decision – and ones who tend to just go with their gut instinct, with no real heavy thought process.  Spontaneity is a great thing – however, in times of life decisions, I have learned that is is better to sit back and think before you act.  When you stand back from a situation, you actually let yourself have the perfect view.  Let yourself feel every emotion that is being thrown at you.  Don’t hide from it.  Use these feelings to drive yourself through whatever it is you’re needing to get through.


One of the main things that I’ve learned in this last month is that everyone…and i mean EVERYONE, is struggling with something.  And while we each have our own individual problems/issues to deal with – sometimes helping another in need is what will actually put us on the right track towards reaching our very own peace of mind.  It’s selfishness in the most divine way.  I am now able to sit back and realize that although my problems may sometimes seem/feel overwhelming, there are many others that are suffering in their own journey – I am not alone.  My problems are not more important than someone else’s, and vice versa.  We are each fighting our own battle to live in harmony and find what/who ultimately makes us truly happy.  At the end of the day, we can either focus on what’s tearing us apart – or what’s holding us together.


We all know the quote “It is not the destination, but the journey” – well, I am now out of my rut, and back on my quest to instill positivity everywhere I can 🙂  There is something in each and every one of us where we can draw the power to succeed from – in anything we want in life.  The power to overcome any obstacle that presents itself.  The power to see past the roadblocks.  The power to change your negativity into positivity and live your life the way you’ve always imagined.


I used to have a hard time accepting that everything happens for a reason.  What is the reasoning behind everything happening?  I couldn’t understand.  But I realize now that it goes much deeper.  It’s not about the reasoning… It’s the simple truth that no matter what is supposed to happen, WILL happen – whether you want it to or not.  What is meant to be, will be.  Somehow, everything always falls into place.  We are always pushed to where we need to be.  Worrying does nothing for us except give us unwanted stress (& wrinkles!).


The most amazing theory to realize, is that we do not know where we are going…but we are indeed headed somewhere.  We have no idea what tomorrow may bring.  Life is full of hardships as well as amazing moments.  We will be given different tests every day – and must take what we learn and apply it to keep moving forward.  Don’t look back because that means you regret.  Don’t look to the future because that means you are neglecting your present.  Take your time.

E v e r y t h i n g w i l l f a l l i n t o p l a c e.

Your journey awaits…


Live With Strength ❤

XOXO Karen