Time for Dignity!

Now, that is the truth.  We do not always have to ‘fight’ every disagreement that comes our way.  It seems nowadays that people are too quick to judge and in turn, put themselves on the highest of all pedestals.  They don’t mind disregarding other’s feelings, spirits or intentions.  All they’re concerned with is being right. […]

Knock Knock!

Who’s there? It’s opportunity. Okay, so this is not a ‘knock knock’ joke. Haha.  However, here is my question to you – Are you going to open the door or not? Maybe we should define opportunity first.  The dictionary states that opportunity is a chance or a prospect.  A favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination […]

“Moment Happiness”

Before I fell asleep last night, I received a text message from a friend who really needed to vent.  After about an hour’s worth of conversation, I came to this conclusion… I realized that most of this world is so consumed with gossip, material things and who knows who.  There are times I’m sure we […]