The largest shovel..

That awful feeling. Your chest feels like it’s trying to keep together the millions of pieces your heart broke into. You feel yourself slipping and losing your strength. The regret comes seeping in. The memories flow freely and utterly against your will. The daydreams are overbearing. You gaze out the car window wondering how you […]

Suggestive Strangers

Ahhh…Up in the plane. Where i do my best thinking. What better place could there possibly be than thousands of feet up in the sky? It’s almost as if flying is a temporary escape from reality. Cruising through the clouds in a big metal bird really opens up my thoughts… Makes me realize how amazing […]

Bring it On, 2013 :)

December 31st.  Always a great time to reflect on the past 365 days that you’ve had!  All I can say is WOW.  What a year… I’ve come to learn so many important realizations/ideas/theories/philosophies about life in 2012… This has truly been the most influential year of my life… I’ve created life missions for myself…I’ve changed […]

Beautiful Lie / Painful Truth

An interesting, yet morbid truth is that nobody can confidently say that they will still be living tomorrow. Death is not easy.  AT ALL.  It’s probably the hardest thing to deal with.  If they were suffering, some say it makes it easier to know that they are at peace now.  When it’s sudden, it’s simply […]

Out With The Old!

Annnnndddd…. In with the new! (So original, right?) 🙂 Well, this post is for anyone out there (myself included!) who find themselves struggling with their existence being impacted by negativity.  We are all constantly being tested in this crazy thing called life, and one of the latest trials I’ve come to deal with led me […]

Attempting to G R A S P

Let’s look at that title.  “Attempting to G R A S P”.  The reason I spaced out the word ‘grasp’ is because each letter has a different meaning to me coinciding to the word as a whole. G.  Grip onto the reality/nature of your problem(s). R.  Recognize the issue(s) at hand and figure out solutions […]